Genealogy Online The Genealogy of the 

Descendants of Adam the first man







Free Genealogy Resources of Descendants of Adam

Fourth Generation

13. Cainan 1 (Enosh , (His Sister) Azura , ) was born in 3675 BC in Shulon,,Ease Eden. He died in 2765 BC in Cainan,,East Eden.


Cainan married Mualeleth (His Sister) daughter of Enosh and Noam (His Sister).

They had the following children:

+ 18 M i Mahalalel was born in 3605 BC. He died in 2710 BC.

14. Mualeleth (His Sister) (Enosh , (His Sister) Azura , ).

(His married Cainan 1 son of Enosh and Noam (His Sister). Cainan was born in 3675 BC in Shulon,,Ease Eden. He died in 2765 BC in Cainan,,East Eden.


They had the following children:

+ 19 M i Mahalalel is printed as #18.

17. Irad son of Enoch (Enoch son of Cain , Cain , ).

He had the following children:

+ 20 M i Mahujael son of Irad.

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