Quote for the Day

"Providence has given to our people the choice of their ruler, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers. "
--John Jay First Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court."

The United Citizens' Action Network

This is is the home page for The United Citizens' Action Network. Here you can find out who we are and what is our mission. From time to time there will also be relevant news posted and you can always voice your opinion in our forums.

uCan Mission

The mission of UCAN is to encourage active, responsible Americans to use their political, economic and social resources and influence to promote true equality of opportunity to all and preserve the freedoms set forth by our Founding Fathers. Three folds of our mission:

  • Support and protect our members by informing, educating and activating them. (support)
  • Share uCan membership with all like-minded Americans. (organize)
  • To use every legal and righteous means, including but not limited to, political, economic, legal, and social to restore and protect the rights of our members from the abuses that have been heaped upon them for many decades. (activate)

uCan Profile

The United Citizens Action Network is an organization of citizens who are willing to take action politically, economically, and socially to restore and preserve the traditional American culture, promote true equality of opportunity to all individuals. The United Citizens' Action Network (uCan) is a non-profit organization of private citizens dedicated to principles of the United States Constitution and American ideas. We do not hold that Americans are necessarily any better people that any of the other inhabits of the world; all people, from the Albanians to the Zulus have their share of the good and righteous as well as the evil and wicked. But we stand firm with the conviction that while our system is by no means perfect, no government or society is the equal of the United States of America.